Jobie To Bee Program

Our JD2B Zyeara has big goals at Bethel 42!

A Jobie-to-Bee (JD2B) is a young girl, age 8-9, who is not yet old enough to join Job’s Daughters. This age is crucial to build confidence and interact with positive role models. The JD2B program gives young girls friends and sisters to look up to.

She can build self-confidence, be of service to others, enjoy fun activities, travel, and participate in local, state, and international functions.

Jobies-To-Bee are presented with a sash and special pin they can wear to Bethel activities, so that everyone will know who they are.

When she finally reaches the age of 10 and is old enough to join Job’s Daughters, she will already know most of the members of the group and will feel comfortable with attending the meetings, events and activities.